Friday, 6 October 2017

A Colorful Atwater Village Home for Two Photographers

It makes sense that a couple with so many artistic endeavors would live in a space as creative and always-evolving as they are. Today we’re taking an updated peek inside the colorful Atwater Village, Los Angeles home of Caroline and Jayden Lee. Not only is this talented twosome well known for their photography, they also work in illustration, design, music and film composition, podcasting (as of this week!), rug importing, and are photo studio co-owners and print shop owners. Caroline and Jayden shared a peek inside the same rental home three years ago, and since then the space has gotten a total overhaul — thanks to some help from friends and a diverse mix of influences like India Mahdavi, the Happy Room for Fendi by Cristina Celestino, and a “general love of all things 80s.”

After 13 years together (five of those in Los Angeles), Caroline and Jayden have found a way to combine and honor each other’s unique styles. But expressing those styles in a rental isn’t always an easy task. So they found clever ways to work around those restrictions (like wallpaper hung with double-sided tape) and create a space that reflects their current design obsessions.

Caroline explains, “We don’t have kids or pets, so this is a season of life where we can get weird and not have to be practical, so we really let ourselves go and have fun with this design.” With some help from their friend Jess of Taylor & Taylor (who acted as a filter for almost every idea Caroline and Jayden came up with), this creative couple feels so grateful to have a beautiful — updated — space to call home. “It might sound very basic, but to have a home with running water and electricity in an incredible city like Los Angeles is all we could ever dream of,” Caroline shares. “We do a lot of [work] for amazing nonprofits in other parts of the world. This year, we went to the Democratic Republic of Congo for the second time with Justice Rising and when we come home, we’re always overwhelmed with how lucky we are to have resources that make our life so privileged. There isn’t another word for it. The only thing to do is stay grounded in gratitude.” —Grace

Photography by Jeff Mindell 

from Design*Sponge

from Home Improvment

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